Dive Into Spanish

Dive Into Spanish

Who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself. You can find him on Facebook, Twitter and Google +.

Monday, 03 September 2018 16:12

The power to improve our world

In recent years I have seen that many of us are taking concrete actions to change the negative situations that are happening in our world, in our countries, in our cities, and in our neighborhoods and families, such as violence, guns, terrorism, cancer, injustice, poverty and corruption. We join together to attack these problems with demonstrations against these negative events, but many times what we are really doing is putting more energy to these problems so that they continue to happen and become bigger. I wonder how to be more effective in these campaigns or rallies to change and improve our world.

Monday, 20 August 2018 15:14

The pleasure of Learning Spanish

Studying a new Language generates pleasure and pleasure facilitates learning.

A study carried out in October 2014 by The University of Barcelona (Spain), The Otto von Guericke University (Germany) and The Biomedical Research Institute of Bellvitge (IDIBELL), determined that learning a new language produces as much pleasure in the brain as eating chocolate, making love, gambling and using drugs.

Monday, 06 August 2018 10:06

The power of the thought and the word

My intention in creating this program "the positive note of the week" of Dive Into Spanish, is that my students practice Spanish through listening and repeating. In addition, it seeks to bring them joy, love and optimism as they listen and memorize positive affirmations, so that positive thinking becomes a daily habit.

  • Enjoy the learning process and keep the good mood. If you feel relaxed and happy when you study, you will understand more easily and learn faster.

Se utiliza cuando algo o alguien produce cierta sensación de aburrimiento. Son sinónimos. Cuando una persona es una mamera, por favor no te veas con ella y cuando algo te produzca jartera, mejor no lo hagas, porque definitivamente es una mamera salir con alguien jarto.

By Yudhijit Bhattacharjee- Science magazine.

Friday, 20 October 2017 09:21

A 21st Century Spanish teacher

by Catalina Valenzuela on /07/02/2014 at 03:53am
Translation by Suzi Rudd Cohen

Liliana Zambrano, a Spanish teacher and author, for the 21st century, says, “ Thirteen years ago, I came from Pasto, Colombia, to Miami, holding the hand of my partner, looking for new horizons, and we have not looked back”.

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